Jobe's Hat

A seamless and personalized shopping experience with Jobe's Hats, a brand whose e-commerce on Shopify has been designed and tailored to cater to all the hat needs

Jobe's Hat

what we did





Jobe's Hats is a family-owned business established in 1936, specializing in creating high-quality, handcrafted hats. The brand is known for its classic styles and attention to detail, appealing to an older demographic of fashion-conscious individuals who appreciate quality craftsmanship.


Jobe's Hats approached Dizemane Marketing Agency to rebrand their business, expressing a desire to modernize their image while still maintaining their traditional values. The client wanted to appeal to a younger audience while also retaining their existing customer base. They were seeking a branding strategy that would communicate the message of quality, craftsmanship, and tradition in a modern and appealing way and for us to developed a new e-commerce website.


One of the primary challenges faced by Dizemane Marketing Agency was developing a branding strategy that appealed to both the existing customer base and a younger demographic. Our team conducted extensive market research to understand the preferences of both groups, enabling us to develop a cohesive branding strategy that resonated with both target audiences. We created bespoke messaging and designs that communicated Jobe's Hats' traditional values while still appealing to a modern audience.

Another challenge we faced was distinguishing Jobe's Hats from other hat brands in the market. Our team conducted a competitive analysis to identify gaps in the market and formulate unique selling propositions for the brand. We developed innovative design concepts that effectively communicated the brand's quality and craftsmanship.


We began by establishing a strategy that focused on modernizing Jobe's Hats' image while still staying true to their traditional values. Our team conducted extensive market research to understand the preferences of the target audiences and the overall trends in the hat market.

We then developed a branding strategy that communicated Jobe's Hats' traditional values using a modern approach. Our team created a new visual identity and 
new E- commerce website.

We also developed messaging that spoke to the brand's quality, craftsmanship, and tradition.

We also designed and developed a new e-commerce website that reflected the new branding strategy.


Through our comprehensive branding campaign, we were able to effectively modernize Jobe's Hats' image while still maintaining their traditional values. Our work on rebranding Jobe's Hats highlights the efficacy of our branding solutions and our commitment

let’s work together